Dear Morning, It’s Over.
It’s not me, it’s not you, it’s us.
Dear Morning,
There really is no easy way to say this so I will cut straight to it.
It’s over.
It probably doesn’t come as a surprise to you — we’ve been drifting apart for a while now. We’ve been on and off for the past 40 years, but I think that it is finally time for us to call it quits.
I will cherish the good times. The predawn hikes to watch the sun rise up over the mountains, the crisp air that is unique to you, the quiet solitude you offer. Honestly, if it was just you, I think that we could make it work, but we both know that it’s not just you anymore — you’ve become quite the celebrity!
It is not an easy decision to end things. Your followers are enthusiastic, vocal, and very, very convincing. They fill their Instagram feeds with perfect images of their bulletproof coffee, running shoes, leather-bound journals, and fancy pens. They write verbose verses on how coming to love you has been the most amazing experience, that once you battle past the discomfort — you find bliss. They energetically sing your praises and had me believing that if I truly wanted to be successful, healthy, and happy — I would have to learn to love you.
But I think that it’s time that we face the facts, it’s just not meant to be. I will never love or embrace you in the way that your people do. I am left continually comparing myself to them, and continually coming up short. There are very few things that would make me excited to wake up at 5 am — and journalling, working out, self-care or meditation are none of them. I do love all of those things. But at 5, 6, and even 7 am, I love my bed more.
The truth is, I’m tired. Not the type of tired you are used to seeing from me that can be cured with coffee. I am tired of trying to change.
For the longest time, I believed that I was just lazy. That if I was struggling to rip myself from slumber pre-dawn, I just needed to go to bed earlier. I’m tired of changing who I am in order to become one of your people — I will just never be a ‘morning person’.The truth is I’m just not wired that way, and I am done ‘rewiring’ myself.
‘When everyone tells me I’ll regret it in the morning — I’ll sleep til noon’
You might not want to hear this next part, but I think that it’s important to be transparent. I’ve been spending more time with Night. We ‘click’ in a way that you and I never have. Night just feels natural, and I know that I’m not the only one who feels this way. Did you know that Night has people that are wildly successful too? I know — it surprised me too.
As we come to the end of our relationship I have realized that success, health, and happiness rely more on what you do and less on when you do it. I know now that if coming to love you means that I have to completely change who I am — then it's simply not worth it.
I’m sure we’ll still cross paths and I know that when they do I will be overwhelmed by your beauty and wonder. Know that I will treasure those times and embrace you for everything that you are. But also know that it will never work between us — and it’s best that we acknowledge that and move on.
I know that you will be well looked after by your people — you will hardly notice my absence.
And we’ll always have Brunch.
Peace, Love, and Music,